Adobe Photoshop
How to Create and Use a Set of Brushes for Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop
The Brush Tool is the most important tool for a digital artist, but it's also one of the trickiest ones. When you're just starting, you get this feeling that you need a separate brush for every effect you want. The default brushes in Photoshop don't seem too useful for this purpose, but professional artists often share their palettes, so you can always download something more powerful...
11 Hours ago
Photo Manipulation
Create a Funny Surreal Underground Scene With Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial I'll show you how to create a funny surreal scene using a variety of photo manipulation techniques. First we'll combine several stock images to make a natural underground scene. Then we'll add other elements, such as the skull, nest, egg and bird, and blend them together using adjustment layers, masking and brushes. Later we'll add more natural elements...
11 Hours ago
Busted! 7 Myths About High Dynamic Range Photography
HDR, or "High Dynamic Range" photography gets a lot of hate on the internet, particularly from other photographers. So why does "HDR" stir up so many love/hate relationships? In this article, we're going to take a look at the myths and misconceptions about HDR, and see what you can do to make your HDR photos better. If you make a Google image search "HDR", you'll see a lot of over-saturated...
11 Hours ago
From Blog
Meet Tuts+ Survey Contest Prize Winner David Kehrer
In previous posts, we introduced you to South African graphic artist Catherine Dawes, and Brazilian web designer Tassia Pellegrini. Now it's time for you to meet our third prize-winner, David Kehrer of Traverse City, Michigan. At the beginning of his design career, David had a problem. He'd earned a bachelor's degree in Graphic Design from Ferris State University, and was working at...
11 Hours ago
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